Quality & Products

We cast our nets near and far to source a wide range of premium seafood. Many of our customers are top restaurants, hotels and caterers who demand choice as well as quality and consistency.

At Aquatic Foods, it's all available in one place, making ordering a lot easier. Whether live, fresh or frozen, each category has its own procurement, storage and delivery needs around which we design our systems in order to maintain optimum quality. Click here to download our printer-friendly product list.

Our New Oyster Room Our New Oyster Room
Frozen Half Shell Mussels Frozen Half Shell Mussels

Our live produce includes some of the finest oysters from various regions around the south African coast. These are held in our unique salt-water storage tanks, allowing us to offer you a wide selection of healthy, robust live oysters all year round.

Our long-standing relationship with Mari culturists allows us to provide you with a consistent and regular supply of fresh black mussels.

Our wide selection of crab and our supply of crayfish (frozen and live), as well as tails, give us a competitive edge. This, in conjunction with our portfolio of fresh line fish, combined with our regular supply of whole, gutted fresh Norwegian salmon allows us to offer our customers a truly ' turnkey' procurement solution.

Crayfish Crayfish
Langoustines Langoustines

In our Perishable Produce Export Control Board-certified 2000-pallet cold store we hold the biggest selection of crustaceans, bivalves and molluscs in the industry. Frozen seasonal and exotic fish are also stocked.

Norwegian Salmon Norwegian Salmon